Lesson 2


Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5


Historical Occurrences Prophesied

There are many prophecies recorded in the Old Testament and it can be proven that all of them came to pass. Some of these will be discussed in the following lesson and will suffice to establish the truthfulness of the inspirational claim made by the writers of the Bible.

The prophets, Jeremiah (Jeremiah 50 and 51) and Isaiah (Isaiah 13 and 14), respectfully foretold the capture and total destruction of the ancient city of Babylon. Both of these writers through their accounts also stated that it would never be rebuilt. Also prophets reveal that the cities of Gaza and Ashdod would suffer downfalls and ultimately disappear (Jeremiah 47; Amos 1; and Zephaniah 2 and 9). Prophets of God went on to foretell the destruction and complete desolation of the city of Nineveh (Nahum 1-3 and Zephaniah 2).

The fact that the city of Tyre, was to be destroyed and forgotten, was recorded by Isaiah long before it occurred (Isaiah 23). Also, the prophets; Ezekiah, Joel, and Amos forecast the destruction and disappearance of yet another city, Edom (Ezekiah 25; Joel 3 and Amos 1). Historians have acknowledged that each of these cities did at one time exist, were destroyed, and were never rebuilt. Interestingly enough, the fate of each of these cities were foretold by the prophets long before the events took place, yet secular history proves the Bible to be true as evidence was uncovered showing the previous existence and total destruction of each.

Approximately 1450 BC, Moses recorded his prediction (prophesy) concerning the destruction of Jerusalem and the horrible persecution and sufferings that its inhabitants would endure (Deuteronomy 28). Moses also presented a detailed description of this destruction of the city and its people, claiming an enemy from far away whose language they didn't understand, would come against them. He also informed them that this enemy would destroy their crops and herds, lay siege upon the city, and it would be so extreme that hunger would be so great the people would turn to cannibalism, eating their own children (Deuteronomy 28:49-57).

This particular prophecy, the destruction of Jerusalem, was not fulfilled until the entire Bible had been written. Josephus, a first century historian who accompanied Titus and the Roman army when they marched against Jerusalem in 70 AD, recorded a detailed account of its fulfillment. Since secular historians in their writings, validate what Moses recorded fifteen hundred years earlier, how can one deny the inspiration of the writers and truthfulness of the Bible?

Another occurrence revolves around the prophet Daniel and his interpretation of the King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Daniel 2). Daniel reported to the king that the four parts of the great image seen in his dream represented four Great Kingdoms that would rise and fall. He also told the king that the stone he had seen represented the kingdom of God, which would be established in the days of the kings during the last kingdom. It was going to be some sixty-five years later when Nebuchadnezzar’s great Babylon was overthrown by the Medo-Persian Empire, which became the second great world power. In 331 BC, the Macedonian Empire, under the leadership of Alexander the Great, overthrew the Medo-Persians and became the third great world power prophesied by Daniel.

A few years prior to the birth of Christ, the Roman Empire, the fourth and last great empire of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream made its appearance. In the year 33 AD, the God’s kingdom (the stone by Daniel’s interpretation), the church, was established. Each of these historical events are well known by those who have studied ancient history and strongly affirm that Daniel wrote inspired words of truth, hundreds of years earlier. One could ask, who today could accurately write down the coming events of next week, let alone those of the next several hundred years, only to find after that time has passed, all actually happening as recorded? Can anyone seriously doubt that the Bible is a book of truth and its writers were inspired men of God?