Lesson 1


Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3


Will All Be Saved?

According to Mark 10:26, the disciples of Jesus once asked him, who can be saved? If we were to seek the answer to this question from the religious world as a whole, we would receive many different answers. Even, by searching for its answers from that portion of people that believe in the Bible, we would receive at least four different answers.

One part of this group would say everyone will be saved. They would probably explain their answer by saying, "God is a God of love, who is to good and merciful to condemn anyone." Is this in harmony with the scriptures? The scriptures to state that God is a God of love and mercy, that fact no one can deny. However, the scriptures also state that mankind can, by wickedness, cause God to become a God of terror as well. The Bible not only states this, but also reveals through the scriptures that all people will not be saved.

Many scriptures found in the Old Testament, declare that from the beginning of time until the coming of Jesus that God became a God of terror unto a great number of people many times. Yes, he as a God of terror poured out his wrath upon Adam and Eve, Cain, all of the people on Earth except eight, all the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah except Lot and his two daughters, the pharoah and his people, Korah and his followers, Nadab and Abidhu, Miriam (the sister of Moses), the man who touched the Ark, Eli and his ungodly sons, the deceived young prophet, King Saul, King David, thousands and thousands of anonymous Israelites, angels in heaven, the cities of Babylon, Ashdad, Niniveh, and many, many more.

Likewise, the New Testament scriptures proclaim that after the coming of Jesus, God continued to be one capable of becoming a God of terror. Scriptures such as (I Corinthians 10; Hebrews 2:1-4; Hebrews 3:5-19; Hebrews 4:1-11; Hebrews 10:25-30; and Hebrews 12:25) clearly state that the same God who became one of terror unto those of old, will also become a God of terror unto those of us who follow their example.

Again there are New Testament scriptures which refer to God as a God of vengeance, terror, and severity. (Hebrews 10:30; II Corinthians 5:9-11, and Romans 11:22). Some on that day shall receive of him nothing but indignation, wrath, tribulation, and anguish. (Romans 2:8-9) In no uncertain terms it is stated in (II Corinthians 5:9-11) that God on Judgment Day will be capable of being a God of terror. Paul relates in (II Thessalonians 1:7-9) that on that same day, Judgment Day, that some will be punished with fire. The scriptures cited thus far demonstrate clearly that mankind, through disobedience forces God to become a God of terror. In so doing, the argument that God will save all people because He is a God of love and mercy simply is unfounded in truth.

There are additional scriptures declaring that all people will not be saved. The parable of the tares recorded in (Matthew 13:24-43) teaches that on the Judgment Day some shall be cast into a furnace of fire. (Luke 16:19-31) proclaims that a certain rich man died and lifted up his eyes in hell – was he saved, residing in hell? The parable of the talents as recorded in (Matthew 25:14-30) says, the man with the one talent was lost. (John 5:28-29) says, when the Lord returns, all that are in the graves shall come forth; some to life and others to damnation. The Apostle Paul (II Thessalonians 1:6-9) teaches that when the Lord returns he will bring rest to some, but punishment with fire unto others.

According to (Revelation 20:11-15), the Apostle John was (by way of a vision) permitted to see the Judgment Day and to behold its events. First he says he saw all who had ever lived and died, standing before God and being judged. Then John states that he saw some of them being cast into the lake of fire. It is stated (Matthew 25:31-46) that which Jesus returns, the people will be divided into two groups, and that one group will enter heaven, and the other, the lake of fire.

Finally, Jesus stated (Matthew 7:13-14) that more people will be lost than will be saved. It is evident that not everyone is going to be saved, for one to believe otherwise, is to make Jesus Christ a liar. God truly wants all people to be saved is acknowledged in numerous scriptures (Ezekiel 18:23, 31-32; Ezekiel 33:11; John 3:16; I John 4:9-11; and II Peter 3:9), yet it is not provided without condition. The entire human family will not be saved.